Dental Sedation Can Help You Prioritize Your Smile
If you're one of the many people who experience anxiety when visiting a dental office, you'll be happy to know that at South Point Dental in Airdrie, our team provides options that can help.
What is oral sedation and how does it work?
A sedative medication (usually in pill form) that’s taken approximately one hour before your appointment, oral sedation decreases activity in the regions of the brain that control anxiety and fear, thereby helping patients feel more relaxed while in our care. There are varying levels of oral sedation available, and our team will discuss your unique needs before determining the dose that’s right for you.
What is IV sedation and how does it work?
The deepest level of conscious sedation available in a dental office setting, IV sedation delivers sedative medications directly to a patient’s bloodstream, quickly providing a calming and relaxed effect. Heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels are monitored throughout the appointment, and the dosage can be adjusted at any point. Many patients who utilize this form of sedation will fall asleep or have little if any memory of their appointment when waking.
Who is a candidate for sedation dentistry?
Patients who experience dental anxiety, have a fear of needles, and those with a sensitive gag reflex and/or special needs are likely to be candidates for these sedation options.
Are you interested in learning more about oral or IV sedation? Call our friendly team today to discuss!
Contact South Point Dental About Dental Sedation in Airdrie Ab
- Feel relaxed while receiving the dental care you need
- Choose between oral and IV sedation
- Have multiple services performed at once, if necessary
- Calm any gag reflex sensitivity you have
- Prioritize your smile!